December 16, 2015

Honda Gather VXD unlock procedure - please share the information with us to achieve Unlock Code

Honda Gather VXD Unlock

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How to Find V.I.N Number

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Every automobile has a unique Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) that contains information about that vehicle. You can find your 17-digit VIN:
  1. At the base of your vehicle's windshield, on the driver's side
  2. On your vehicle's registration
  3. On your insurance statement or proof-of-insurance card
  4. On your Honda Financial Services statement
  5. On new owner surveys or customer satisfaction surveys sent by American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Valid VIN numbers use the letters A-Z and numbers 0-9, except for the letters I, O, and Q. If the VIN is not working properly, check to see if letters and numbers have been accidentally inverted. Make sure the letter O was not entered in place of the number 0. Also, make sure the correct number of characters has been entered.

Check out this area for VIN

Honda Serial Number

Serial Number Retrieval Help
There are several places to find your device's serial number:
The Radio/Navigation Code and the device unit's serial number are listed on the anti-theft ID card that comes with the vehicle. The card is usually placed in the glove box at the time of delivery.

Note: 2013 - 2014 Odyssey and Pilot does not require a Radio/Navigation Code for system initiation. Please refer to your Owner's Manual for instruction on Radio/Navigation system initiation.

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