December 14, 2015

Activate and Deactivate Eclipse AVN ESN code - bdcar Navigation (

Turn on and off ECLIPSE AVN ESN Feature

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1.Turn the vehicles ignition on and press the power button 2. Press and hold Radio station preset 1 and the FM-AM button for more than one second 3. Insert the CD of your choice. A [SEC] message will now aooear on the screen and ESN is active. Anytime the unit loses power you will have to reinsert the key CD.

To deactivate the ESN feature:
1. Turn the vehicles ignition on and press the power button or the FM-AM button (make sure the tuner is on). 2. Press and hold the radio station preset button 1 and the FM-AM for more than one second. 3.Once the display flashes [disc] insert the key CD you selected to activate the ESN. The display should now read [CnCl]. The ESN is now deactivated.

To resume normal operation after the power has been disconnected to the unit:
1. Wait for the dispaly to read [disc]. 2. Insert you key CD, if the correct CD is inserted your display will read [---] and the CD will begin to play. If the wrong CD is inserted it will display [Err]. If you insert the wrong CD 5 times it will say [call 800] and then you have to send the unit to eclipse to have it rest. Good Luck!

How to read the Electronic Serial Number:
1. Turn the vehicles power on. Prss the FM-AM button. 2. Press radio preset button 4 and the FM-AM button for more than a second and the display should show your 8 digit serial number. This number is to identify your unit if it is recovered after being stolen. Yep, that will happen!
Hope this helps somebody out there.

by Anika Tasniem

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